Personal Savings

Contact us for more information or to set up an appointment at any branch location.

College Savings Account

  • Offers a competitive rate of interest on a minimum daily balance of $5.00 and up in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield
  • Minimum balance to open: $5.00
  • No monthly service charge
  • Unlimited deposits, unlimited in bank withdrawals
  • Transfers and certain withdrawals are limited to 6 per calendar month, excess debits may incur excess debits fees
  • Unlimited in house withdrawals and ATM transactions
  • Proof of college registry required; after 23rd birthday account minimum balances and service charges may apply

Minor Savings

  • Offers a competitive rate of interest on a minimum daily balance of $5.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield
  • Minimum balance to open: $5.00
  • Unlimited deposits, unlimited in house withdrawals
  • Transfers and certain withdrawals are limited to 6 per calendar month, excess debits may incur excess debits fees
  • Unlimited in house withdrawals and ATM transactions
  • Account will be changed to a regular savings upon 18th birthday, College Savings may be applicable at that time

Regular Savings

  • Offers a competitive rate of interest on balances of $300 and up
  • Minimum balance to open: $100
  • Minimum daily balance of $100 required to avoid a $5.00 monthly service charge
  • Transfers and certain withdrawals are limited to 6 per calendar month, excess debits may incur excess debits fees
  • Unlimited deposits, unlimited in house withdrawals

Golden Passbook Savings

  • Offers a competitive rate of interest on balances of $2,500 and up
  • Minimum balance to open: $2,500
  • Minimum daily balance to avoid $25.00 service charge: $2,500
  • Transfers and certain withdrawals are limited to 6 per calendar month, excess debits may incur excess debits fees 
  • Unlimited deposits, unlimited in house withdrawals

Health Savings Account

  • Offers a competitive rate of interest on a minimum average daily balance of $1.00 and up
  • Average daily balance of $1.00 required to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield
  • Monthly statement provided
  • Deposits limited to amount of deductible
  • $0.50 charge per debit-check
  • $5.00 minimum to open

Christmas Club Accounts

  • Requires a minimum of $5.00 to open
  • Unlimited deposits, any amount allowed
  • Offers a competitive rate of interest on a minimum average daily balance of $5.00 and up
  • Withdrawal charge for emergency purposes only $5 per withdrawal
  • Customers closing a Christmas Club account before the check is issued will also incur an early closure fee of $25.00 
  • If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest 
The Miners State Bank